Our 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday. Like last year, we’re sharing our 2021 New Year’s resolutions. 2020 was a year quite different than most, and it changed the way we work, live, and think about our world. With that in mind, our editors are all about small, yet impactful resolutions. Whether we’re implementing daily meditation and journaling or reducing our environmental footprint, we’re focusing on simple acts that yield big results. Keep reading to see what Team LC is hoping for this year…
Take Care Of Myself
My resolution this year is to take better care of myself. I, like many others, spent 2020 taking care of my family and trying to run a business during a very unpredictable time. I was very low on my own priority list and it’s something I’d like to change this year. – Lauren, Editor-in-Chief
Be More Present
I have a tendency to over-plan and stress about the future, and if I’ve learned anything in 2020, it’s that plans can change at the drop of a hat. With so much uncertainty these days, it’s important to remember that the present is a gift and that we are only guaranteed one day at a time. So, why fret over things that haven’t happened yet? My biggest resolution for 2021 is to be centered in and grateful for the here and now. – Jessi, Senior Editor
Cut Down on Plastic
Back in 2019, cutting down on plastic waste was a priority for me. I was opting for reusable containers, buying from the bulk bins as much as possible, and switching over to eco-friendly cleaning and personal care products. Then the pandemic hit and my shopping habits changed. Since I’ve been staying home as much as possible and opting for only takeout or delivery, a lot of my eco-friendly goals have gone by the wayside. As life slowly returns to normal, I want to make cutting down on plastic a priority once again. – Ilana, Managing Editor
Set Goals & Achieve Them
I’m guilty of jumping on the resolution bandwagon and slowly falling off as the year goes on. For 2021, I am determined to set big goals for myself and my family and stick to them! It’s as simple as that. – Jessi, Senior Editor
Make a Habit of Meditation
Although 2020 was stressful, one thing I’m grateful for is that it introduced me to meditation. (I never knew I could love it so much!) Lately I’ve gotten into the routine of lying in bed at the end of the day, putting a bolster pillow under my knees, and choosing a guided meditation from the Insight Timer app. It always helps me drift off to sleep—without the annoyance of anxious thoughts running through my head—and it’s a habit I hope to keep. – Tessa, Junior Editor
Improve Work/Life Balance
My New Year’s Resolution for 2021 is to perfect (or to at least get better) at a work/life balance. I think so many people are struggling with this in 2020 now that so many of us are working from home. I am putting together a plan to utilize tools like Asana and my apple calendar to do some better time management. Setting alarms for when to end my work days. And most importantly, learning to not feel guilty for not overworking! – Amanda Wilens, Resident LC.com Baker & Blogger
Journal More
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told myself I’m going to journal every morning or at the end of a long day, but then push it off as soon as I have a more ‘important’ task to finish. As much as I enjoy writing, I never seem to prioritize enough time to write for myself. This year, however, I’m going to work on taking a moment each day to write in my journal. Whether it’s a few sentences or a novel, I’m prioritizing the activities that keep me happy and relaxed. – Kyrena, Editorial Assistant
Start Every Day With a Healthy Breakfast
I’ve been notoriously bad at breakfast in the past, but when I do slow down and take the time to consistently make myself a nutritious breakfast, it makes my body so much happier. I’m determined to make 2021 the year of hearty, healthy breakfasts so I can have more energy, feel stronger during my workouts, and give my brain the fuel it deserves every single day. – Tessa, Junior Editor
Discover New Artists
I have a habit of listening to the same 5 songs or musical artists over and over for months on end, but I want to make a concerted effort to discover different artists I wouldn’t usually listen to. I recently got a record player, and my new device is giving me inspiration to search for new and old music that’s just waiting to be found. – Kyrena, Editorial Assistant
More Books, Less TV
I started off 2020 strong with my reading, but as quarantine started and my anxiety grew, I shifted from reading to watching way more TV than usual. And that has been true of most of the last 9 months. In 2021, I want to read more books and watch less TV. Here’s hoping I can achieve it! – Rachel, Managing Editor
What’s your 2021 New Year’s resolutions?
Let us know in the comments below!
XO Team LC
Photos: Jessi Burrone
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