6 Dog Training Tips We Wish We Knew Sooner

Dog training. That not-always-fun-but-kind-of-necessary task that keeps your pup {and household!} in check. It might be an easy feat for some, but for others, training your dogs could sometimes feel insurmountable. It takes a village, so today we’re here to improve your training techniques with 6 tips we wish we knew sooner, courtesy of Emily Whitehouse, the Wags & Walks Head Trainer and Behaviorist. After reading these, we really wished we had learned some of these earlier, and hope that you’ll feel the same too…
1. Are there any training tools or items I need?
Certain tools are so incredibly helpful when dog training! From a great leash to rewards that motivate your dog, it’s an awesome idea to create a training toolkit for your pup. Some starter items would be: a leash, treats or toys and a crate {to help get your dog on a potty schedule and teach them how to settle}.
2. How should I respond to negative behavior or feedback?
The way you approach unwanted behavior differs from dog to dog depending on the circumstance. If your dog is doing something undesirable, working on it directly with a reputable trainer is the most direct route to help fix it.
3. How do I help mitigate the stress or fear my dog may have in the training process?
The trick is to go at the rate where your dog can be successful. If your pup lacks confidence, go slow and encourage them to try new things! Reward them when they follow your lead as you introduce new experiences. As you work with your dog, you are going to build trust, respect and love into your relationship and the fear will reduce.
4. What are easy tips to help my dog obey commands?
Make sure your dog is on leash when you train them. This will help your dog stay focused on you and they won’t wander off and get easily distracted! Wait for eye contact so you know they’re ready for direction. Mark when your dog achieves their training goal with a verbal cue such as ‘good!’ so they stay engaged. You can then follow it with a reward. Keeping training fun for the dog will reinforce them continuing to obey your commands.
5. When’s the best time to train your dog?
The best time to train is after your dog has had a little exercise, especially if they are high energy or are a little anxious. When they can burn off excess energy, they are more ready to listen and are more likely to be calm and ready to learn. If you have a young puppy, keep your training windows short and always end on a good note!
6. Can dogs of all ages benefit from training?
Absolutely! A dog is never too old to learn. Of course, there may be some behaviors that are more practiced in older dogs, but there is always progress to be made and fun new tricks to learn! A great dog trainer can help you.
What are some of your best tried-and-true dog training tips?
Photos: Wags and Walks
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