The 5 Organizing Tips You Really Need To Know

Happy April! Spring is in full swing, so it’s time for our cupboards and closets to beware: a deep clean is near. Don’t fret, though—while a spring cleaning sounds daunting {the thought of cleaning out our bathroom drawers scares us a little…}, think of how accomplished you’ll feel when your space is in order. We think you know what time it is. We’ve shared a few gems, five to be exact, on how to start organizing your space. These differ from the typical cleaning tips in one way… They aren’t necessarily going to give you insight into the nitty gritty of scrubbing grout or dusting hard to reach spots. Rather, these tips are meant to change your outlook on the big picture of spring cleaning and help you to stay clean and organized throughout the year. We promise, you absolutely will benefit from these tips, which will surely make your spring cleaning a little easier. Keep reading below for more…

1. Take Your Time
This tip might seem obvious, but for organizing, being realistic about your timeline is essential to keeping your sanity. Sometimes when we see a mess, we have the overwhelming urge to clean it all up on the spot, as soon as possible. However, that mentality might not work well when you have a whole house to reorganize. Start slow and take your time. Break up organizing up into mini projects over a longer period of time, so you don’t lose your patience or drive to get it all done. Celebrate each little victory along the way.
2. Organizing Essentials Can Be Decorative Too
Who said organizing can’t be cute? We’ve all seen organizational products that are super helpful but aren’t all that…attractive. Take this moment to find products that are functional and fit your home’s aesthetic. Instead of plain plastic bins, try finding baskets or boxes that you want to see every day and mesh well with your home’s décor. The Little Market has so many adorable hand-woven baskets, tie-dye boxes, and jars that keep you organized, whilst also leaving your living space extra chic.
3. Take It All Out; Then Put It All Back In
Hear us out on this one: we really do recommend that when you get started with a deep clean, you take everything out of whatever closet, corner, or cupboard you are tackling. This step is the most overwhelming, but honestly, it’s the best way to get started. Taking everything (and we mean everything!) out of a space allows you to start from scratch, and really get a feel for what you want to keep, what currently fits that space, and what you may need to get rid of. If you’re bold enough to go this route you won’t regret it in the end—promise!
4. It’s Okay to Keep The Things You Love
Listen, we get it. Minimalism scares us too. So forget the notion that cleaning house means you have to get rid of everything but the bare necessities. Obviously, be smart and thoughtful about the pieces you need in your home, but don’t throw everything unused away, especially if an item has sentimental value. The real key is to make sure you have a place for everything you do choose to keep.
5. Have Weekly Check-Ins To Keep It Organized
So, you’ve cleaned out your house. Whew, good for you. You’ve got the dishes stacked and the pantry stocked in new bins and jars and baskets. So how do you keep it organized? If you thought your organization journey ended here, well, you’re mistaken. Keeping your space organized is a continuous goal and requires upkeep. Do your best to maintain your space daily (our rule is that anything that takes less than 15 minutes, like doing the dishes, should be done right away). But also, take one ‘maintenance’ day out of your week to refresh your space and keep it in order. Sounds like a lot of work, but trust us, it only benefits you!
Have any organization tips that have really changed your home for the better?
Share the wealth and spill!
XO Team LC
Photos: Kyrena Dudley
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