Quiz: What’s Your Design Style?

It’s that time again…We’re starting off your day with a brand-new quiz. Since we’ve been home for quite a bit, we might have gotten a little interior design obsessed. It’s entirely possible that we may have gone overboard and bought a little too much from vintage stores and furniture websites, but hey, at least it gave us inspiration for our latest quiz, right? Today, we’re helping you find out what your design style is with our quick four-question quiz for seven popular design styles. Now, it’s totally okay if you identify with more than one {we’re all multifaceted people}, but we hope it will give you a better idea on what kinds of interiors you’re drawn to. This quiz will take you less than five minutes to finish, which is perfect for a little break in between work. Ready to find out your design style? Keep reading…
What’s your design style?
We hope our quick {and easy} quiz helps you in your own interior design journey. If you’re loving our quizzes, let us know in the comments below what you’d like to see from us next.
XO Team LC
Photos: Tessa Scott
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