Tuesday Ten: Things Successful Women Do Everyday

1. Check it off.
It might seem simple, but never underestimate the power of a to-do list. Checking off tasks is a great way to keep track of all of the little things you want to accomplish in a day. I find that to-do lists keep me organized and ensure that I follow through.
2. Have a filing system.
If you work on a computer, I highly recommend having a special system for the way you name your files and folders. Whether it’s by content or date, pick an organizational structure that will make them easy to find later on.
3. Watch the clock.
Be on time! Whether it’s for an important meeting or even a casual lunch with girlfriends, being punctual is a sign of respect. It’s also a good habit to make for every area of your life.
4. Be kind.
Some people think you have to be the devil in The Devil Wears Prada to rise to the top. But I beg to differ. The most successful women in my life have all gotten where they are by being kind and supporting each other.
5. Make friends.
The most successful women I know actually aren’t the ones who stay tied to their desks 24/7. They’re the ones who take a time out for happy hour with an industry colleague or a coffee break with coworkers. It’s OK to leave your work for a few minutes to chat. You’ll make important connections and probably feel even more inspired when you get back to your desk.
6. Treat your body right.
If you want your mind to function properly, taking care of your body is key. So take the time to exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep! Your work will suffer if you don’t.
7. Make your bed.
Yes, I am sure that there are lots of successful women out there with unmade beds. But my point is that a clean space makes for a clear mind. So maybe for you a clean space doesn’t mean making your bed everyday. But doing something to tidy up like doing your dishes or organizing your desk can be just as effective.
8. Make time for yourself.
This might seem counterintuitive to a lot of people, but if you want to be successful, I think it’s so important to do something that isn’t tied to your work everyday. Get a manicure, hang out with friends, or find a hobby you enjoy. Being well-rounded and taking time to relax will serve you well and keep you energized and inspired.
9. Keep learning.
The most successful women that I know make a point to learn something new on a daily basis. Whether that’s soaking up information while paging through an issue of Business Insider, taking seminars, or attending conferences, make sure to always learn new skills and stay on top of your industry.
10. Set measurable goals.
Goal setting is so important. Think in the long term, but make your goals as specific as possible and revisit them everyday. Create a vision board or a list and keep it where you will see it every morning. Dream big and you will achieve big things.
What do you think the keys to success are?
I hope that my 10 tips inspire you.
XO Lauren