5 Things You Might Not Know About My Fair-Trade Shop The Little Market

In the years since my co-founder, Hannah Skvarla, and I founded The Little Market, we’ve been so proud and grateful to see how much our non-profit has grown. What started as an idea between two friends has turned into a global organization that empowers women artisans and producers worldwide. We couldn’t be happier about the success and impact The Little Market has had on so many people. Today, I’m here to share 5 little known facts you might not know about my favorite fair-trade shop. For those of you that may or may not be familiar with the non-profit, I hope you learn something new about The Little Market…
1. My co-founder, Hannah Skvarla, and I chose the name, The Little Market, because though we live in a small world, we all can be connected online without any geographical limits.

2. When Hannah and I met, we bonded over a shared love of traveling and a desire to give back. We planned a trip to Tanzania and Uganda, where we met with nonprofits and social enterprises working to empower women. A lot of the women we met with wanted the opportunity to have a sustainable income and break the cycle of poverty for their families. Both Hannah and I were inspired to find a sustainable way to give back, so we created The Little Market as a bridge to create opportunities for women artisans worldwide.

The Little Market Etched Short Glass, $28
3. In October of 2013, The Little Market carried products made by five artisan and producer groups in eight countries. Now, I’m proud to say we are carrying products made by more than 65 artisans and producer groups in over 28 countries and sovereign states. Learn more about our artisans here.

4. The Little Market measures success by the impact it makes for artisans and products globally. I’m so happy to say that in 2020, The Little Market generated more than one million hours of dignified work for artisans and producers worldwide. None of this could have happened without your support and the incredible work of our artisans. You can read our 2020 impact report here.

The Little Market California Sun Spice Blend, $14
5. In Los Angeles, we work with Homeboy Industries and their screen-printing department and with MADE by DWC of the Downtown Women’s Center on our small-batch soap collection. We also worked with Shemesh Farms in Malibu, which creates our fresh and all-natural spice blends.
Did you learn anything new about The Little Market today?
XO Lauren
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