Recipe Box: Chili Lime Fruit Salad

Summer may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still make the most of seasonal produce. Here at Team LC, we love to eat as many colorful fruits and veggies as possible, and lately we’ve been dreaming up fresh recipes to go along with our end-of-summer barbecues. This chili lime fruit salad satisfies all of our current cravings: It combines the juicy flavors of melons and tropical fruits with the zesty spice of chili powder. Read on for the recipe, then try it for yourself…

Makes 1 large bowl of fruit salad
- 1 whole pineapple
- ½ watermelon
- 1 mango
- 1 papaya
- 2 limes
- jicama
- chili powder

1. Slice all of your fruits into bite-sized, 1-inch by 1-inch pieces. Add to a bowl (we love all the ceramic bowls by The Little Market), then squeeze the juice of your two limes all over the fruit, mixing as you squeeze.
2. Sprinkle with chili powder, and serve chilled (preferably with a frozen peach margarita!).
How will you be enjoying this salad this summer?
Tell us how you like it in the comments!
XO Team LC
Photos: Jessi Burrone for