10 Unexpected Perks of Motherhood

Hi everyone! It’s Lauren here with one of my best friends and my very first podcast guest, Leslie Bruce. On Leslie’s episode of Asking For A Friend, we discuss early parenthood. So in honor of the episode, which premieres today, Leslie and I wrote the below post for you today…
Bringing a new little human into your home is an incredible blessing, and, as a mother, you’ll experience a whole range of new feelings, like unconditional love, weeping during diaper commercials and a mama bear protective instinct that is so fierce you’ll surprise even yourself. But being a mom is also really hard. (Have we mentioned that yet?) Motherhood can flip your world upside down in ways you never imagined, but it’s always a nice idea to look for the silver lining. With that in mind, we put together a list of the best new mom perks you may not have seen coming. Keep reading for our roundup and be sure to check out this week’s episode of Asking for A Friend to hear us take a deep dive into everything motherhood…
1. Re-watching your favorite kid movies.
Whether it’s Disney favorites or classics like The Wizard of Oz, you’ll be super impressed with yourself when you start belting out “A Whole New World” and “Over the Rainbow” like it was 1994.
2. You’ll master the art of multitasking.
There is no one more effective at juggling fire than a new mom. You will quickly learn how to tap dance backwards in fuzzy slippers (while warming a bottle, changing a diaper, feeding the dog and responding to an email). You won’t waste any time, because there is no time to waste.
3. A baby is the ultimate scapegoat.
Whether it’s a spill, a smell or a sound, you can always blame an untimely mishap on your new little bundle of joy (until he or she gets old enough to talk and takes pride in correcting you…loudly).
4. The return of goldfish, chicken nuggets and string cheese.
But let’s be honest, did you really ever stop? It’s just more socially acceptable now, because you can feign ignorance: “How did these get in my purse!?”
5. The holidays are way more fun.
We went years without doing the pumpkin patch, and some Christmases we skipped the tree altogether. But after you have a baby, there is no excuse. You are required to be festive. It’s for the children!
6. You’ll become a better human.
Babies eventually grow into toddlers, who are basically human parrots. You’ll quickly learn to curb any cursing or sassy talk, especially when your child likes to repeat what you say in front of his or her preschool teachers. You may also be reminded, while eating dessert, that “sharing is caring, mama.”
7. Getting out of social commitments.
Being able to say “our sitter cancelled” or “I think he’s coming down with a cold” is the ultimate get-out-of-plans-free card. But better than breaking them, having a kid is the best excuse to never make any plans in the first place!
8. Babies force you to prioritize.
Despite how amazing you’ll become at multitasking, there are still only so many hours in the day. You’ll fight hard to make room for the things that are really important to you, and you’ll learn to let go of the things that no longer serve you. It’s like Marie Kondo for mom life.
9. Happy Hour starts earlier.
When your bedtime is 8 p.m., there’s no reason you shouldn’t be enjoying a 4:30 p.m. glass of wine. We call it après-park.
10. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
New motherhood is a rollercoaster, but when push comes to shove, you will be amazed at how incredibly strong you are. You will rise to any occasion and climb any mountain, because that kid is your world…and you are a f*cking awesome mom.
What do you think are some unexpected perks of motherhood?
Tell us in the comments, and don’t forget to check out Leslie’s interview with Lauren on the Asking For A Friend podcast!
XO Lauren & Leslie
Photos: Leslie Bruce
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