Ask Me Anything: 10 Fun Facts About Me

As you may have heard from my August editor’s letter, this month’s theme is Ask Me Anything here on the blog. I thought we’d kick things into gear with 10 interesting facts you may not have known about me. I know I always love reading these types of columns in magazines and on other blogs I follow, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. And even if you’ve followed my career from the beginning, I have a feeling you’ll learn something new. Let’s get to it, shall we?
1. I have a strong distaste for the color purple. I will not wear anything purple or decorate my home in purple hues.
2. I don’t eat dairy. My husband and baby both have dairy allergies, and a few months after eliminating it from our home cooking, I realized I didn’t miss it and felt much healthier without it.
3. I am named Lauren because my mother’s maiden name was Lawrence.
4. It rained during most of mine and William’s coastal Italian honeymoon. Good thing I was with someone I really liked because we spent a lot of the time cooped up inside together!
5. I really love a good pun. I can’t help myself.
6. I post a lot of workout content on the site, but I actually hate working out. Having a workout buddy makes it a little more bearable.
7. I collect vintage apples that I find at the flea market or antique shops.
8. My biggest pet peeve is rudeness.
9. The oldest piece of clothing in my closet are my ballet leotards from when I was a little girl. They are so cute I can’t get rid of them.
10. I always have a $2 bill in my wallet for good luck.
Have any more questions for me?
Maybe I will do another one of these posts at the end of the month…
XO Lauren
Photos: LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s
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